marți, 27 octombrie 2009

I know Christ is comin', so am I.

* nu stiu cine-i tanti din fotografie, dar se potriveste o.s.t.-ului,zic.

Mi-e imposibil sa ma abtin de la pornoshagul asta. Hai sa-l impart semenilor, ca deh, it's all about Redemption, huh?

*Warning, high levels of fretting lust beneath this line.*

Don't be aroused, by my confession
Unless you don't give a good Goddamn about redemption.
I know Christ is comin', so am I......
And you would too if the sexy devil caught your eye

She'll suck you dry.......
But still you'll cry, to be back in her bosom
To do it again.
She'll make you weak,
And mourn and cry, to be back in her bosom
To do it again.

(Pray) Til I go blind
(Pray) Cause nobody ever survives.
Prayin' to stay in your arms just until I can die a little longer
Saviors and saints, devils and heathens and lies
She'll eat you alive.

Jesus is risen, it's no surprise
Even he would martyr his mama to ride to hell between those thighs.
The pressure is building, at the base of my spine
If I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie...

She'll make you cry
I'll sell my soul, to be back in your bosom
Gladly now please suck me dry.....
And still you'll cry, to be back in her bosom
To do it again.

My pulse has been rising
My temples are pounding
The pressure is so overwhelming and building
So steady they're fretting I'm ready to blow
What is she what is she what is she waiting for?

duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

Rott in Hell, pretty please.

..............Si cum cautam eu pisoi, am gasit o superbitate, pierdut o noapte in asteptarea mailului imbucurator de la shelter, O DADUSERA.
Bun. Dupa doo zile , revine pers respectiva cu mail cu pozele altei minunabilitati. Ma agit, ma bucur, etc, stabilesc sa nu posteze pozele cu ea, pt ca o iau eu.
Ramane asadar duminica, la 14, sa ridic marfa mieunatoare.
Suna sugsemnata de la 12, nu raspunde nici pe fics, nici pe mobil, apoi il inchide, apoi verific mailul, unde mi se povesteste cum a fost uitata in curtea unei hale si sfasiata de caini.
Si uite asa, dupa ce mi-am pus toate sperantele in pisoi, nu acelasi, dupa ce faceam planuri cum o sa pun chestia mieunatoare in jumatea patului meu dublu, sa doarma pe toate cele 12 perne , iar eu o sa ma holbez cum doarme, de pe mocheta, s-a dus pe pula TOT.
* nu, n-am nimic cu doamna de la adapost, sunt doar furioasa pe situatia in sine. Si pe faptul ca ma atasez instantaneu, every fucking single time. Si degeaba.


luni, 19 octombrie 2009

Kitteh required.


Caut pisic.

Vreau sa :
Pupe, sa toarca si sa zica "mau" , sa se dea cu litiera si sa pupe, din nou.
Vreau sa nu :
Ma urasca pt faptul ca intra intr-o familie monoparentala si ca mai vin tarziu acasa, nejustificat.


N-am pretentii de culoare , rasa, altele. Dar... vreau fetita. Imi plac alea cat mai ciufulibile,gri ,portocalii sau negre. Imi plac doar, nu ma contrazic. Ah. Si rotunde.Cat mai rotunde. Kitty's got back! De-astea. ;))
Mau sa faca, sanatoasa sa fie.

In orice caz,
Mail me!

*Poate vine pisica cu tatic cu tot ;)) *

miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009

Blowjob is better than no job.

Jobless no more!

Jubilez, scrijelesc serpalaul ala si motzai.

aaah, today is a fine day for science, vaz.

Oamenii fericiti ar merita sa fie vaduve de vikingi.

......... ca sa zic asa.

Sufar eu de o invidie patologica sau oamenii fericiti CHIAR SUNT plictisitori?!?
Imediat ce ajung la comfortul ala al lor, devin fazi, nu mai lupta pentru nimic, nu mai creaza, nu se mai intreaba, nu mai sunt trestii cugetatoare, totul este for granted.By default. Standard settings.
Vulgarireaza Nirvana aia.
Astia cu carente vesnice, altele de fiecare data,nemultumitii, pe scurt.... murim cu ochii vii. Cu bucket lists utopice, tocmai pentru ca raman pe lista aia ca fiind nealterate de factori externi.

And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold, November rain.

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

Praf si pulbere.


Abdic. Nu mai sunt resurse, de mult chiar.


duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

Molestando ninos muertos.

Si cand credeam ca-i totusi imposibil sa ramai cu mizantropia-ti proprie, in pseudocentrul Bucurestiului, pe straduta cu multi tigani ce-ti ureaza un "la multi ani" universal valabil, furnici pe matura,laptop care inteapa si pereti reparati cu pasta corectoare, dupa improscarea lor epica cu cirese negre, vaz ca nu-i tocmai asa.

Sigh. O sa ma gasesti scrijelita , cand te intorci. Si cu semineul pe biblii. Si cu perdele de om normal,sub minimul ala de culori.
Azi n-o sa mai am mana de parafina clocotind in lava lamp. Nici spatele ala anchilozat, acoperit.
Ei... ceocolata sa fie! Si e.

.......... Home is where your heart is.

joi, 8 octombrie 2009

Queen Maab, fishnet mistress.

MERCUTIO: O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
She is the fairies' midwife, and she comes
In shape no bigger than an agate stone
On the forefinger of an alderman,
Drawn with a team of little atomies
Over men's noses as they lie asleep;
Her wagon spokes made of long spinners' legs,
The cover, of the wings of grasshoppers;
Her traces, of the smallest spider web;
Her collars, of the moonshine's wat'ry beams;
Her whip, of cricket's bone; the lash, of film;
Her wagoner, a small grey-coated gnat,
Not half so big as a round little worm
Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid;
Her chariot is an empty hazelnut,
Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,
Time out o' mind the fairies' coachmakers.
And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love;
O'er courtiers' knees, that dream on curtsies straight;
O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees;
O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream,
Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,
Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.
Sometimes she gallops o'er a courtier's nose,
And then dreams he of smelling out a suit;
And sometimes comes she with a tithe-pig's tail
Tickling a parson's nose as 'a lies asleep,
Then dreams he of another benefice.
Sometimes she driveth o'er a soldier's neck,
And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats,
Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades,
Of healths five fathom deep; and then anon
Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes,
And being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two
And sleeps again. This is that very Mab
That plats the manes of horses in the night
And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,
Which once untangled much misfortune bodes.
This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,
That presses them and learns them first to bear,
Making them women of good carriage.
This is she!"

Monologul lui Mercutio, "Romeo and Juliet" , Will. i. am Shakespeare.

I want to know how it feels to proceed without sharing it

Approach and try to live me backwards
then without looking behind
surviving is somewhat confusing...

although I never mind.

if only silence could ever talk
how loud will be the voice?
of this sincerely yours, violently yours.

without you I am mute
without you, raped and nude...
(without you) [No] (while you are the) one can touch me like I do.

If only you could crawl by yourself,
and release me from all your weight,
would I still love you to the point of hate?
Cherish my guilt and then juggle with it
that paper Jesus on your bedroom wall
will bleed us to redeem.

Without you I am mute
without you, raped and nude,
(Without you) [no] (while you are the) one can hurt me like you do...

I want to know how it feels
to proceed without sharing it
your devil disguise is breaking
your face is now so crude
conscious blind and deaf and mute.


it is the only way to be just near of you
it is the only way to show myself to you
Without you I am mute
raped and nude, without you...

joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Heartless (!!!) romantic.

Bati la poarta nebuniei mele
cauti adapost,cauti adapost,pentru stele
mai e putin si-ai sa-nveti sa respiri
ia-ma sub piele iubito
adanc,tot mai adanc in delir.

Cu trup sfasiat,sub tample pasind
prin porii pielii tale strecor,
trupul meu lichid,
saruta-ma-n soapta,striveste-mi buza rece
de oglinda-n care,
ploaia vine sa se-nnece.

As putea fi ploaia care te intristeaza
as putea fi scarile pe care te-ai obisnuit sa cazi.
as putea fi cel care te imbratiseaza,
dar eu sunt palma,eu sunt palma
ce-ai primit-o azï.

She has me and... she... has You.

he did not care very much for other little girls, but if she had plenty of books she could console herself.

She liked books more than anything else, and was, in fact, always inventing stories of beautiful things and telling them to herself."

( A little princess by Francess Burnett")